The Internet: Where We Are the Product - A Look into Big Internet Companies and Advertising

 The internet has revolutionized the way we live, work, and communicate. With billions of users accessing various online platforms daily, the digital landscape has become a vast marketplace for advertisers. Big internet companies have mastered the art of targeted advertising, and as users, we have become the product they sell to advertisers. This blog explores the concept of how big internet companies thrive on advertising and the implications it holds for users, drawing references to the context of Nepal when appropriate.

1. The Internet and the Age of Advertising

The internet is a vast ecosystem that caters to our every need. Whether we're searching for information, connecting with friends, or shopping for products, the internet facilitates it all. However, this convenience comes at a cost - our data. Big internet companies collect vast amounts of user data, including search history, browsing habits, and personal information. This data serves as a goldmine for advertisers seeking to target specific audiences.

In Nepal, the proliferation of smartphones and affordable internet services has led to increased internet usage. Popular social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter have become part of the daily lives of Nepali users, offering immense potential for targeted advertising.

2. How Big Internet Companies Make Money

Ever wondered how companies like Google, Facebook, and others provide free services to users? The answer lies in their advertising business model. These companies offer free access to their platforms, enticing users to sign up and provide valuable data willingly. This data is then used to create detailed user profiles, enabling advertisers to deliver personalized ads to the right audience.

In Nepal, companies like Khalti and eSewa, which offer mobile payment solutions, also utilize targeted advertising to promote financial products and services to users based on their spending habits and preferences.

3. The Dilemma of User Privacy

While targeted advertising benefits businesses and advertisers, it raises concerns about user privacy. The data collected by big internet companies is susceptible to misuse and breaches, potentially compromising user security. In response, governments worldwide, including Nepal, are enacting data protection laws to safeguard user information.

4. Striking a Balance: Personalization vs. Privacy

The line between personalization and privacy is delicate. Users appreciate personalized recommendations and relevant content, but they also value their privacy. Big internet companies must find a balance between providing personalized experiences and respecting user privacy. In Nepal, fintech startups are also grappling with similar challenges, striving to deliver tailored financial solutions without compromising user trust.


As users of the internet, we play a pivotal role in the success of big internet companies. Our data fuels the advertising engines that drive their revenue. While targeted advertising has its benefits, it's crucial for users to be aware of their data's value and how it's being used. As Nepal embraces the digital age, the conversation around data privacy and responsible advertising becomes ever more relevant, shaping the future of internet usage in the country.

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